Gambling Adrenaline Rush
An individual with a gambling problem cannot gamble sensibly because the addict may be hooked on the adrenaline rush associated with 'the chase.' It is difficult to be in control if you are preoccupied with the feeling you get from an activity. To get that adrenaline rush that comes with taking extreme risks. As a means of socializing with other people or just for the fun of it. For the challenge: some people enjoy being tasked with the objective of beating the house or to display their skill. As a means of escape from the drudgery of life or loneliness.
Gambling for the adrenaline rush
Now, if you go up there at any given time at night you'll see a bunch of young men with what we call high and tight, and lo and behold they're Marines, and they're Marines that are serving at the OAF and OEF and what they're doing is in between deployments they're losing their paycheck, and they're not giving their paycheck to their spouse or they're not spending it on what they should be spending it on and their families, they're having that adrenaline rush by gambling.
Now, I have a great friend that I know very well and he is now nine months sober in terms of not gambling, and he would say to me, “Bill, the reason I gamble is to get across from the table from those civilians and win their money,” but the problem was he never won. He would never win and he would stay there until he lost virtually, literally all the money that he had with him and then he’d go to the ATM and get another thousand and he would lose that, and he would sometimes be a couple thousand up and he should go home, but he would stay there all night and lose all that money that he was up. So, I said I would tell him, like, you know, “You’ve got to stop this,” you know, he, so his thing was gambling and living and gambling because of the adrenaline rush that accompanied winning and beating these guys. He would look at them like the enemy, and this is what he told me, and I suspect that for most people it’s like that, it’s…for combat Veterans.
People gamble for a variety of reasons; for fun and excitement, to socialize, leave their stress and negative emotions behind for a while, or to win. For the most part, players have no problem controlling their urge to play all the time or the amounts of money they wager. Unfortunately, there are times when players progress from social gambling to regular and, more rarely, excessive gambling. This is because there is a change in their gambling reasoning. Addictions of all sorts can happen to people in all walks of life, of all ages and both genders. And when gambling turns from an enjoyable and harmless hobby into an unhealthy, obsessive activity, things tend to become more difficult.
When done the right way, betting on sports, playing poker, roulette, or slots online and offline can lead to happiness and anxiety-relief. On the other hand, when a person who also suffers from PTSD or a similar psychological disorder deals with problematic gambling, this will have negative effects on their relationships and interfere with their career and finances. Studies show compulsive gamblers are also more likely to suffer from a psychological disorder like PTSD, and vice verse. In close to 35 percent of the patients who search for gambling addiction treatment show symptoms of PTSD.
However, when kept under control and done for the sole purpose of having a good time, gambling in all of its forms is safe and can even round one’s income from time to time, depending on skill or luck.

The Link Between PTSD And Gambling
Lots of psychologists claim war veterans tend to be more attracted to the familiarity with the risk triggered by high stakes betting. Since they are used to having to take risks regularly, they will find the potential dangers comfortable and customary. There is a specific adrenaline rush connected to placing risky wagers. The rush can temporarily distract them from their regular invasive feelings.
Gambling Adrenaline Rush Limbaugh
According to a study completed by researchers at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and the Albuquerque VA Medical Center, the prevalence rates of gambling issues and problem gambling are almost four times higher among war vets compared to the general population.
It is necessary to uncover and address all of the causes of these co-occurring psychological disorders. Sufferers need to learn the right skills needed to cope with their emotions without using self-destructive behavior. The faster the right treatment is put into practice, the sooner the PTSD sufferer can resume playing real money slots.
Gambling Adrenaline Rush Football
Gambling As A Stress-Reliever
Gambling Adrenaline Rush Game
During hard economic times, as well as major life changes, lots of people tend to use gambling as means of relieving stress. According to an Australian study, more than 40 percent of Aussies gamble to alleviate their anxiety. If you also count among them, is an excellent place where you can find a huge collection of pokies/slots, poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, bingo, and more. Plus, the welcome bonuses and special promos, excellent graphics and state-of-the-art game software are prone to make your gambling experience pleasant and highly realistic.