Poker Bricka

A “brick” or “blank” is a term used to describe a card that is meaningless. It helps no one’s hand and does not connect with any other cards.

Learn Texas Holdem poker by joining our free poker courses with lessons, quizzes and personal tracking. Learn the game and crush the tables! A card that did not have an impact on the outcome of a particular hand or that is expected to have no impact on the outcome of a hand in progress, especially in reference to a face-up card dealt to a particular player rather than a community card. EXAMPLE: 'The flop was 7s-8s-Qd. The turn was a brick, and then a third spade hit on the river.'

So, if you felt like you had the best hand on the flop, then a brick on the turn won’t change your opinion about still having the best hand. For example: If you have an 8 and a 9 in your hand and the next card is a 2, this would be a brick since it does not help your hand.

Poker Bricka Synonym
EXAMPLE “I let out a sigh of relief after I was all-in on the turn with an overpair but my opponent still had outs as he was chasing a flush draw but the river bricked off.”